Better Design
Turn ideas into apps
App Development
We build and fix software for start-ups, established businesses and investors.
Our leaders have built some of your favourite products. From media to transportation, government to retail, and entertainment to tourism. We've seen it all and can guide you through your project with ease and clarity.
For a Better Start, we recommend Flutter, though we also support React, Angular, Vue, in the front end and literally anything you can think of in the back whether it’s .Net, Java, Javascript, Go or Python we’ve got you covered.
Better with Experience
Chris and Marcel started out their careers with major technology companies and household names. They’ve built products you use everyday and compose the kind of code others don’t even think possible.
Having worked together at multiple organisations, they decided to form Better Design, so they can collaborate with like-minded business people and bring great ideas to market.
They have a down-to-earth approach and bring their core principles of integrity, collaboration and value to all projects they work on.